

Price on request

Almas is the most expensive and exclusive caviar in the world. The caviar is also called “nec plus ultra” which means “the best of the best”. The Almas caviar comes from the Beluga, the largest sturgeon of all species. The eggs of the Beluga are relatively large and have a beautiful light gold colour.

  • Shipping with ice packs
  • Delivery as soon as possible
  • Highest quality caviar


The beluga sturgeon.

All our Almas caviar comes from the Beluga sturgeon. The sturgeons live in an environment as natural as possible. Because of this natural environment, the caviar from Beluga sturgeon is indistinguishable from the wild caviar that was previously available. If you want to taste the crème de la crème, you should definitely try our Almas caviar. We guarantee you that it will be a wonderful delicate experience.